When being examined or undergoing any procedure at the practice the doctor or nurse treating you will ensure that you fully understand and consent to any procedure, immunisation or investigation. They will ensure that you understand the reasons for the procedure and any significant risks involved and ensure that you have enough information to give ‘informed’ consent.
Consent can be implied (eg you offer your arm for a blood test) or expressed (written or verbal).We will endeavour to answer any questions you may have about the procedure honestly and fully.
In the case of children consent for a procedure , investigation or immunisation will be sought from the adult with parental responsibility. If a child is under 16 but has ‘sufficient understanding and intelligence to enable him/her to understand fully what is proposed (known as Gillick competence), then he/she will be legally competent to consent for him/herself. Young people aged 16 and 17 and legally ‘competent’ younger children may therefore sign a consent form for themselves but may like a parent to countersign as well.